Registered Psychotherapist in Aurora
Barbara Browne is a Registered Social Worker in practice since 1979. She is recognized as an outstanding clinician and consultant by doctors, agencies, educators, businesses, organizations and the legal system, who all refer their clients to her. Her approach is client-centred, holistic and optimistic. Her special expertise in the areas of child abuse, sexual abuse and trauma have brought comfort and healing to many. Barbara is also a trainer and consultant to other professionals and organizations.
Education and Experience
- Registered Social Worker, Ontario College of Social Workers
- Bachelor of Social Work, Ryerson University
- Certificate (Child Abuse and Child Welfare), University of Connecticut
- Hypnotherapy Certificate
- Children's Aid Society, social worker with high-risk families
- York Region Abuse Program, clinical consultant
- Developed group treatment programs for child and adult survivors, parents and offenders of sexual abuse
- Member of teaching team for Sexual Abuse Internship Program for Professionals
- Training for therapists and helping professionals
- Clinical supervision
- Collaborative Divorce Specialist
- Board member, York Collaborative Practice
- Member, Ontario Association of Social Workers
- School Social Worker, York Region District School Board
Contact Barbara Browne today and schedule an appointment to overcome your stress, anxiety or depression. You can also email her at with any questions you may have about her practice.
Patient Testimonial
“During my sessions with Barb, I feel the weight of my stresses slowly lifting off my shoulders. Barb indulges me the freedom to move from topic to topic as they come to me, and let out what I need to say. With few, but well-chosen words, Barb comments, questions or reiterates what I have said. It is these words from Barb that I take away from our meeting and use as tools to guide me. I not only listen to Barb’s words, but I really hear them and take them in. Between our sessions, I will think over Barb’s words and have them available to me to put into practise when facing my next challenge. They become tools for my life.” —D.M.